

Name: Ken Ochiai

Age: 24

Birthday: May 31st

School: American Film Institute

Major: Directing

Ken Ochiai made his first film at age 12. Immediately following his high school graduation, he left his hometown of Tokyo to pursue his dream of becoming a film director in the United States. Recently, Ken graduated from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinema-Television Production. He has made more than 20 short films including PHOENIX, which won the Special Jury Award at San Giovanni International Film Festival in Rome. He was chosen out of 50 talented film students to direct his thesis film, Express 831, at USC. He now attends the American Film Institute and will receive Master’s in Fine Arts for Film Direction. His first AFI thesis film, Lucky Lotus, is now in Post-Production and will be completed in March 2008. His second thesis film, Half Kenneth is now in Pre-Production and he is looking forward to projecting his passion onto the big screen.

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